Conception II Wiki

Auf dieser Seite findet ihr den Soundtrack zu Conception 2 Children of the Seven Stars.


7 Colored Celestial sphere
Full Version Conception_II_-_Opening

Da das Opening von Japanern gesungen wird, ist das Englisch bisweilen schwer zu verstehen, jedoch ist bis auf einen Teil alles englisch.

Lyrics: Shine in the stars

Don't read or ask

I'll see that you found me too...

Please, just me in the cortyard

who'll as promised

as you begun shining

"I'll carry our mission"

Hey, can't I be the only one?

my habit is so pushed

show me your cause

can't hold it any more!

Now it's time!

singing over fighting

Along the street

A few hours

be in Aterre

'cause your my world

Arrest you (Arrest you)

I'll kill you (I'll kill you)

Born to save you forever!

Every bit the world is fate now

hey; If you were spicate

I'd now...[Japanischer Text] anata no nawo yobitai

In the nightlight

empty and finally

is true he ditched me

[Japanischer Text] enai kizuna tekuru wasete

enemy consumed

And clueless as day!

Cuddle me; always saving the world!


Eternaly holding you hand
Full Version Eternally_Holding_Your_Hand_(Conception_II_Children_of_Seven_Stars_OST)

Battle Themen[]

Kampf gegen Monster im Labyrinth[]

Trial Labyrinth Battle
Full Version Conception_II_Trial_Labyrinth_Battle_Music

Boss Battle 1[]

Bossbattle 1
Full Version Conception_II_OST_Boss_Battle_1

Boss Battle 2[]

Boss Battle 2
Full Version Conception_2_battle_theme

Boss Thema Rus, Clau, Alec und Enzea[]

Im my Body was Light
Full Version Conception_II_-_Lead_My_Love_Boss_Theme_2_+(Lyrics?)


Event BGM
Full Version Conception_II_-_Event_BGM_1

Fort City[]

Fort City
Full Version Conception_II_OST_Fort_City

Anmerkung: Die Themen zu den Heldinnen findet ihr bei der jeweiligen Heldin im Artikel.
